Hi Niels, I don't think there is a valid reason to worry. Oxylabs, a competitor, introduced ISP proxies: https://proxyway.com/news/oxylabs-launches-isp-proxies

But I'm not sure that's actually new: https://oxylabs.io/pricing/isp-proxies

https://oxylabs.io/blog/how-to-use-oxylabs-proxy-rotator (from 2020!)

There is a new pricing model introducing pricing per IP (instead of MB) but that only makes the market less transparent.

More importantly, management isn't worried either.

What happened is that somebody screamed fire and since trading is mostly retail this can trigger a self-fulfilling panic where selling produces more selling. I expect this to recover fairly soon and in any case, early July we'll have preliminary Q2 figures coming out.

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My only concern about the ALAR business model is the potential liability for enabling AI web scraping. You know, IP and all. I’m long. But watching this space.

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I'm not worried about this, they're enabling the scraping PUBLIC data, it's too important for the economy IMHO.

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"They added one product (SERP) in Q4/23, with the second one (a website unblocked) just coming out of beta, both are not generating substantial revenues yet (and are not expected to do so this year)."

I don't think you are correct about the part where the website unblocker won't contribute significantly to revenue "this" year, if I remember correctly, management was referring to the financial year 2023 when saying that it won't contribute "this" year. (I might misremember)

Great piece!

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Hi, thanks, appreciated. It all depends what is 'significant' Here is what Shachar said: " And the new products now need to start a new and kick off and get into production and scale mode. So we are pushing them because we have a huge belief also in their innovation. And by the way, in there, they will bring us more customers also through our current products. But a significant impact on the revenues from this product, I don't see this year. Again, if we were $4 million or $5 million company annual revenue, I would say, yes. But due to the fact that you see that we are on a run rate, if you take this [ 8.4 ] 4x to make an annual run rate, so a significant impact on this runway, we are not there yet.

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Any idea why the stock dropped so much yesterday? Of course I just bought it in the morning, just to see a 20% loss at the end of the day. :(

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